I Appreciate the Support Choose Well Provides

Daily tracking is helping me be more mindful of my daily practices/thought patterns. I have also been encouraged by the daily cards. The tips and tricks are fun and helpful. I have been transitioning to a less meat centric diet and Zipongo has helped me find some delicious vegetarian recipes to try, which is making that transition easier. Although I do not often use my step tracker I am now more aware of the steps I take and have begun weekly hikes outside, prioritizing healthy, rigorous, outdoor activities on the weekends. This boost in outdoor activity is making a big difference in the way I feel and I am noticing a difference in my fitness level as well. I am just now exploring the mindfulness support to help with stress management! All of these changes have resulted in a 22lb weight loss so far and an increase in my overall wellbeing. I appreciate the support Choose Well provides.