What an Eye-Opener This Journey Has Been!

Hello, I have been with the Swedish Medical Group now for one year. In the past eight years, I had already lost a significant amount of weight, as I have worked very hard to get my health turned around, but I seemed stalled and was having difficulty reaching my goal weight. My scale was stubbornly hovering at 30 pounds above my goal. Since the ChooseWell program began, it has breathed new life into my weight loss program, and given me the motivation to push through. I have lost an additional 30 pounds just by watching the little things and learning from all the helpful tips. --Reading the motivational cards every day. --Tracking my steps with a Fitbit, making my goal to get a minimum of 7,000 steps every day. --Reading stories from various people who have been successful in weight loss. --Watching my diet closer, and increasing fresh fruits and vegetables, and reducing empty calorie items. --I have also discovered that I am very competitive. I love the challenges and how it motivates me to do more. --My diabetes is under perfect control through diet. No more medications needed! --I park further away and intentionally take stairs whenever possible. I often walk in the evenings in my neighborhood. --I absolutely NEVER eat, or drink anything that has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it anymore (which includes latte syrups). I am now just five pounds away from my weight goal, and feeling so good and full of energy. I have been able to re-train my taste buds to enjoy good, clean food. I have learned to read labels before purchasing foods. In summary, I have listened and learned from many sources the correct foods to eat, and what to avoid in order to be healthy. What an eye-opener this journey has been! I have reconnected with my high school Sweetheart, and we are planning a wedding this summer. Life is good, and I am delighted to see what the future has in store for me.