This Habit Has Made Me Healthier

When I started with Kadlec in April of 2018, I had already been battling with my health and weight for most of my life... I just hadn't gotten it "under control." My new position at Kadlec was both the start of a career with a new organization, and also moving to a new community and re-building many different parts of my life. The last several years had been super challenging and my own well-being and health had taken a major backseat, but I saw all this change as a major opportunity to get on top of my wellness once and for all. The Choose Well program has been instrumental in keeping me on track... no question. When I committed to using the app and earning my points each day, it built in a small and totally doable moment of mindfulness into the day that kept me focused on my overall well-being. 4 months ago, I made the decision to enroll in an aggressive weight loss program, and Choose Well has remained an important part of the effort. Now, just shy of a 50 lb weight loss and going strong, I continue to utilize the information and tracking tools on the app, because maintenance and the consistency of my habits will be critical in ensuring my weight loss sticks. This habit has made me healthier, more mindful, and more aware. I am grateful that my employer offers the opportunity and that I was inspired and encouraged to take control of my own health and wellness.