Think About Your Physical and Mental Health Every Day

Choose Well is a daily reminder to think about your health. I am very health conscious but having a daily reminder to do even the smallest things can really improve your health. I'm reminded to do simple things, for example, stand up and walk around every hour, eat healthy foods, avoid high-calorie drinks, etc. But I'm also reminded and encouraged to think of the bigger things, for example, spending time each day to exercise and walking to avoid/relieve stress. Plus it reminds me a bit more each day to eat healthier and to make better choices of what I eat. Like many people who advance into leadership roles, you find yourself in a more sedentary lifestyle, i.e. sitting at a desk all day, being stressed so you feel you don't have time to get exercise and to live a generally unhealthy lifestyle. When that happens you start that middle-age spread, you lose energy and just in general feel like sitting more to "relax". Choose Well reminds you that those aren't healthy choices and that you have to keep moving and think about your physical and mental health EVERY DAY.