The Prognosis Is Very Encouraging

2015 mid-year I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. The initial finding was low-risk tumors. Treatment was to scope bladder every 3 months for two years, then once every six months for 2 years. About midway thru waiting for the one-year scope, I noticed a change in bathroom habits. I went to the urologist and upon a scope, revealed another tumor. This pathology came back as a high-risk tumor and a series of bladder rinses were prescribed. Before I was scheduled for a follow-up scope, my wife, Kay, of 43 years was diagnosed with glioblastoma the first of September 2020. We were told that even with chemo and radiation treatments, she only had 10 months to two years. Kay opted to forgo treatment. I took a leave of absence to stay with her. Kay passed on thanksgiving. I was going for the follow-up and was told my bladder was clear, but a tumor had grown about prostate level in the urethra. This was scheduled for removal on the 9th of December 2020. After being swabbed for Covid on 12/04/2020, I was notified on the 7th that I was positive for covid. No symptoms but got to quarantine for 10 days. That brought us to Christmas and the urologist was out of town. Finally got the surgery on 12/30/2020. The path came back with laminas and muscularus innovation. The next recommendation was to remove bladder, prostate, and lymph nodes. I was told to get a second opinion and ended up at a treatment center in the Dallas area that uses low-dose chemo with insulin treatment. I am about 2/3rd's thru a 10 dose chemo treatment and so far there has been not ill effects from the chemo. There are many friends and family praying for me and I am grateful to them all. The prognosis is very encouraging. The only problem is that the institute is out of network and I'm grateful to be able to return to work.