Thanks to My Clinical Informatics Team

I had my 3rd back surgery in March 2016, “Anterior/posterior Lumbar Fusion” I thought I will never be able to walk again, I didn’t even think I would ever be able to do my favorite yoga again. To give a clear picture prior to my surgery pain was so bad that it was hard to hide it. Covering perioperative department, OR room doors where such a burden to open, they seemed heavy and I had to use all my body in order to open them. When I returned from LOA, Choose Well was popular at my department and my team inspired me to use I-phone app, they taught me to add the challenges and mark “cards” and “healthy habits” as well as sync my steps into the app. One of the healthy habits was yoga, I added it before I start going to yoga. Time was passing by and each time I answered my habits on my “Virgin Pulse” app I would say to myself one day. I started yoga three months ago and I can easily check my yoga answer did it!!! At the beginning pose in yoga “downward dog” was impossible to do correctly because of stiffness in my back but three months passed not only I can do “downward dog” correctly but my favorite pose is “ pigeon pose” and I can proudly take a spot at the front row. Thanks to my Clinical Informatics team for inspiring me, and thanks to "Virgin Pulse" app!