Our rainbow baby

Back in 2017, my sweet nephew Noah was conceived. He was our rainbow baby after my sister-in-law had to miscarriages. Noah was measuring about 2 weeks behind her and was not getting the nutrition he needed. Friday before Christmas that year, we thought we were going to be born stillborn, but God had other plans. On January 10, 2018, Noah was born in an emergency c-section. He was 1.2 pounds and a fighter. Sweet Noah fought hard for 7 weeks before Jesus took him home and made him pain-free. While Noah fought in the NICU, God began tugging at my heart to become a nurse, specifically in the NICU. On February 27th, 2018 when Noah passed, it became evident to me that God was calling me to honor Noah and love on my parents, like my brother and sister-in-law, and all of Noah’s besties. So I did. I’m in year two, and couldn’t see myself doing anything else.