Motivator for Me to Change My Life

Prior to stating Choose Well, I was very discouraged about my health and eating habits. I was at a point in my life where I had accepted the size 22 and weighing 277lbs until the elevator at work had broken down and I was forced to take 2 flights of stairs to get to the 2nd floor which is where I worked at the time. This seemed like it was the most challenging task that I had to endure and when i reached the top of the staircase, my knees felt like they were going to break and I was forced to use my inhaler and walk slowly to get to my desk. Once I reached my desk in agitating pain and out of breath, I decided at that point I was going to CHANGE MY LIFE and get HEALTHY! I have (6) six grandchildren that I want to be able to have some fun with and be here to see them become Men and Women. The first thing I did was quit smoking and instead of sitting at my desk at lunchtime eating, I decided to take that time and get up and go for a walk. I told myself " it all starts with BABY steps, one day at a time". I started taking the stairs every day after that, I started eating healthier, walking at my breaks and lunches and my children bought me my first pair of running shoes and Gym membership for Christmas. Fast forward... Choose Well has been an inspiration and a motivator for me to CHANGE MY LIFE and learn how to get and stay HEALTHY. I am down 80lbs, feeling GREAT, encouraging and challenging others. I'm still maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having DATE DAY/NIGHT with each one of my Grand-Children every month.