Many Ways to “Upgrade” Our Self Care

I'm probably one of the older 8^) participants. My husband and I are in our early 70's, have both experienced cancer, enjoy good health today. We are VERY thankful for the great care we have received at Providence and the ways my employer tries to keep us healthy. We're new to the Choose Well program and learning daily how to better benefit from it. Already we are not missing a day with our walking. We don't let the thoughts of "I don't feel like it" get the better of us. Many ways to "upgrade" ourselves care and we're looking forward to it. It's fun to see the points we can achieve for activities we already do! Hubs and I have 2 children, 13 grandchildren, and one great! I love my job at PWF and hope to have a few more years to serve the people who need my help. Good health prevail!!