I Love Volunteering and Helping Out Others Who Are in Need

I love volunteering and helping out others who are in need. In the spring of 2018, I applied to volunteer for Puerto Rico Relief-Hurricane Recovery through All Hands & Hearts, Smart Response program. I was ecstatic to be accepted and was assigned to Barranquitas Base (there were 30,000 residents affected). I had accumulated enough vacation hours and volunteered on November 4 - 10, 2018. Our main purpose was a roof repair. There were opportunities to work on other houses but I chose to work on 1 particular house the whole time I was there as I wanted continuity and I wanted to see the progress of our hard work: chipping, power drilling, power washing sealants on a concrete roof. I had also bonded with a few other new volunteers who decided to stay at the same house. We called ourselves"Concrete Crushers". The residents were so grateful and it was humbling to be greeted with so much appreciation when we were out wearing our official purple All Hands and Hearts T-shirts on a workday.