I Am Sure My Blood Level Will Get a Lot Better

I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis in 2017. at first, I was so frustrated and disappointed, wondering why I got such illness. Dr. prescribed a medication to reduce the inflammation, but I was afraid to take it at first. I never took any medicine and I was healthy. I tried to eat healthy food and not take the med. However, every time I had blood test, enzyme did not get lower. I was so discouraged. I joined Choose Well not long ago, but I realized how this program can help me. I tried to do everything on the list and also try to eat healthy food. I realized that I feel a lot less tired at work and after work. I tried to stretch when I have chance, and I try to walk on the tread mill whenever I have time off from work, as well as try to get enough sleep. I take my med now and try my best to what Choose Well suggest me to do. I am sure my blood level will get a lot better. Thanks to Choose Well.