I Am Encouraged by My Health Improvements and Stability

I was skeptical at first and felt burdened and obligated to participate for the Health incentive benefits. Like any change, it takes commitment, adaptation and determination. Since enrolling in Choose Well in Feb and accepting and creating challenges, I am encouraged by my health improvements and stability. In researching, I have discovered the value of stair climbing exercises and have challenged myself to do at least 500 steps daily. The exercise has proven to increase my endurance, tone my entire body, and provide my body the stamina needed in both Zumba and Aqua Zumba classes. I have double my gym to 4X a week and looking forward to adding new exercises. In addition, I am subliminally making a conscious decision on my food choices. I added lots of green and is now growing my microgreen and salad mix in my heated seed starter kit. Last year, I have harvested so much salad that I was distributing to my colleagues and neighbors. This year, my neighbors are getting a jumpstart of germinating their seeds using the starter kit. It is contagious and I am so blessed to be surrounded by positive, upbeat, energetic, and healthy lifestyle people. I viewed Choose Well differently now. My plan is to keep up with this awareness of positive changes, keep refining it and make it sustainable and a part of my natural lifestyle.