Every Minute is a New Day
- Location: Rogue River,

In Feb of 2020 we took in my 86 year old mom with Dementia of the Alzheimer's type. At that time she simply needed to be with someone 24/7 just due to a few concerns but all in all she was able to take care of herself. Fast forward to now May of 2022 she is going to be 88 in a couple weeks and now requires constant care. Although she can physically eat herself, she is unable to cook, clean and shower alone. It has been a fast progression with most of the changes happening in just the last 6 mths. We now have a caregiver that comes in almost everyday for just a few hours to give me some time to be able to work as I work from home. It has come to where I just can't concentrate fully unless I have someone here that I know mom is being cared for and not just alone. We will continue to be her caregiver and home until we no longer can for our own mental health but also want mom to receive the care she needs and deserves. Our story is constantly changing as every minute is a new day!