Being Healthy and Active

I have always been an active person in sports, running, and working out at the gym. Last July 4th, my husband and I were hiking at Caprock Canyon State Park. After about 2 hours of hiking, suddenly the ground I was walking on gave way and I slid down about 5 feet. In order to stop falling, I stuck out my leg on a tree stump and immediately broke my tibia and fibula. My husband had to pull me back up to a more level surface. But there was no way that I could walk out of the park. We called for help, and it took many hours for them to even find us. A helicopter was called in along with 4 firemen. The firemen had to repel down to where I was. I had been lying on my back, holding my broken leg up, getting eaten by ants, and in the hot sun for 9 hours. I was finally rescued and taken by helicopter to Covenant Health, the hospital where I am an Orthopedic nurse. I was seen in the emergency room by an orthopedic surgeon and he planned my surgery for the next day. My surgeon said that I was a lucky girl and if I had not been in such good shape, I may not have made it out of the Canyon alive!! I had surgery, was in the hospital for 3 days, and was non weight bearing for 13 weeks. During that time, I tried my best to do some sort of physical activity. I wheeled myself around the block in my wheelchair, did leg lifts in my boot, did lots of stretching, and walked on a platform walker. When my surgeon allowed, I rode a stationary bike at the gym. I was also doing physical therapy for rehab which helped me rebuild my physical shape. I am now fully recovered, and back to my active lifestyle. I am so thankful that I survived a horrible fall and broken bones, by being healthy and active.