80 Pounds in as Little as 5 Months

Over the past 2 years, I have made a concentrated effort to lose weight and increase fitness by joining a weight loss group through Providence Portland Medical Center and St. Vincents. The program was run through Ideal Protein, a ketogenic diet company, with a group of 10 dieters and a team of diet coaches. I was able to lose 80 pounds in as little as 5 months. Since having successfully lost the weight, I have been able to try new things such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Weight Lifting, running in 5K's like the LadyBug Run for CDH awareness. Most importantly, I am a new father and I have been able to really be hands on and active with my daughter! Who just wants to play all the time. I am not subjected to being a, "couch dad," who just sits on the sidelines as there kids run around. I get on the floor and have fun, instead. That's really thanks to the weight loss and the opportunity to join a program. Choose Well has continued to help me to be mindful and keep the weight off and my fitness level goals in mind, which is the real challenge in the long run! As it is all to common to get caught in a, "Yo-Yo," dieting cycle, where you weight goes up and down and up and down, ad nauseum. With the resources at hand though, I feel confident and empowered to continue improving and even achieve some new goals!