Breaking the Silence: Suicide prevention in the workplace
We all experience painful losses, frustrations, and times when our tasks
seem foreboding, if not impossible. Let's break the silence by building
meaningful human connection because we are not alone. Join us in thinking
about the unthinkable, working to de-stigmatize talking about mental health,
and creating a call to action around this important topic. We all sense
its importance, but few of us are confident in our ability to ask a colleague
if they are at risk.
Why it matters: Will you join us in taking a few steps toward creating
a culture of vulnerability? Use these resources to feel more confident
talking about mental health and checking in with your colleagues.
Learn more here.
Workshop: Suicide Prevention in the Workplace
Suicide Prevention in the Workplace: Noticing and Responding to Co-workers
in Distress
Join Lyra for Suicide prevention in the workplace: Noticing and responding
to coworkers in distress workshop. This workshop will help you to recognize
warning signs for suicide and emotional distress and walk you through
action steps to take to express concern and connect your colleague to
the appropriate level of support.
We have all heard of CPR for those in cardiac distress, but what about
Emotional CPR for mental distress? Emotionally Connect, Partner and Respond
(ECPR) is an effective approach any of us can use to help support and
respond to peers, colleagues, family members or community members experiencing
mental health concerns. Suicide prevention training empowers us to make
a difference in our communities, including where we work. The course is
offered in an on-demand module through Virgin Pulse. Search Suicide Prevention
Training in the Benefits section your Virgin Pulse account.
Challenge runs: September 9th through September 15th
Earn 1,000 points
Don’t miss out on your 2025 health incentive
It’s not too late, there’s still time to earn your Virgin Pulse
points. You have until Nov. 15, 2024, to earn your 2025 health incentive.
Go to the How to Earn tab of your Choose Well Account for a full list of
ways to earn points.
How to check your progress
App: Click on Rewards. You will see your point total and level completion.
Click on Learn How to Earn More Points for details on ways to earn more points.
Website: Look at the purple progress bar at the top of the main page. It will show
the point total and what percentage of your health incentive that you
have earned. Click on Rewards for details on ways to earn more points.
If you need help logging into your Virgin Pulse account, call Member Services
at 844-930-1238.
Choose Well Fit Featured Class: Quiet your Mind Through Meditation
Meditation is a great way to refocus and find connection between your body,
spirit and mind. A few minutes can be all it takes to quickly shift away
from a state of panic and anxiety. Try out this Les Mills Meditation today